Have you ever thought about growing your own herbs at home? I'm writing my first blog on why I grow herbs. I started by buying my favorite culinary herbs from the grocery store as plants I would find in the produce section to keep in my kitchen window. While this was a great way to have fresh herbs every day, I quickly discovered I would use up the herbs and then have to buy new plants. From there, I decided, why not grow herbs in an herb garden at home? This is where my love for growing herbs began. Therefore, the next time I bought herb plants from the store, instead of placing them in my kitchen window, I decided to plant them in my herb garden.

Some of the first herbs I planted were basil, chives, and parsley. The great thing about herbs is that you can keep them in your kitchen, plant them in a garden, or place them in planters on your balcony or porch. I grow my herbs in an outside raised bed in a sunny location. They are very easy to grow, very aromatic, and nutritious. Now I grow over 10 varieties of herbs that we use in our kitchen every day. The best thing about growing herbs is they can be harvested, dried, and stored throughout the winter so you can continue to use them all year long.
Types of Herbs You Can Grow
So, the next question you may have is, what kind of herbs should I grow? Well, I would start with the type of herbs that you love to use in your favorite recipes. Next, know whether your herbs are perennials or annuals. Some popular perennial herbs that will grow back every year are sage, thyme, oregano, lavender, chives, and mint. Popular annual herbs that are planted each year are basil, cilantro, dill, and parsley.

Here is a list of some of my favorite herbs:
· Sweet Basil
· Oregano
· Chives
· Sage and Pineapple Sage
· Parsley
· Mint
· Rosemary
· Thyme
· Cilantro
· Dill
· Garlic
· Lavender
Harvesting Herbs
The best time to harvest herbs is in the morning when the sprigs are fresh and before they begin to flower. Harvesting is simple. All you have to do is cut down about 1/3 to 1/2 of the plant. Annual herbs can be cut down further because they will not grow during the winter, so they regrow quickly. After harvesting, be sure to wash the leaves and stems thoroughly and allow them to dry. Use them fresh in your favorite recipes or prepare them for drying. They are now ready to be preserved. Stay tuned for my next blog to learn more about how I dry my herbs.

Contact us a www.highpointhills.com for any questions you may have and follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Happy growing!